Age must be in the same line as id='main_hero'.Press CTRL + F and search for: id='main_hero'.Changing the age of your character is simple:.Now you have the choice to change the age of your character and/or lord. Here you can see the file ModuleData (red) and the document lords (yellow). By rightclicking lords go to open with and choose Editor.Step 3: Open the document lords in ModuleData with Editor.You can find it in your Mount & Blade II Bannerlord file under: \Modules\SandBox\ModuleData.
You can find it in your Steam file under: \steamapps\common\Mount & Blade II Bannerlord.Step 1: Open your Mount and Blade II Bannerlord file.Before we get to the Main-Part of the Guide, I recommend that you read Important notice in this guide later.